Friday, February 11, 2022

Broken Arrow students demonstrate against bullying after classmate commits suicide

KTUL reports:
"I had known him since kindergarten and he was my best friend," said 14-year-old Rory Morrell. She organized a demonstration to raise awareness of bullying after the recent suicide of a classmate. "I know there was people who were harassing [name withheld] and there was a bunch of guys who were telling [name withheld] to kill himself," Rory said. 

"I couldn’t think of any better way to spend my day today than this," said Angela Brewster. For Angela, the demonstration was very personal. Friday marks the one-year anniversary of the death of her 12-year-old daughter Makayla by suicide."For her, it was bullies among her group of friends because she wouldn’t send nude photos to a boy," Angela said.

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