Oklahoma Congressman Tom Cole yesterday introduced H.R. 1850, the Home School Equity Act for Tax Relief, according to a
press release from his office.
legislation allows home school families to receive the same tax
deduction currently offered to elementary and secondary teachers for
education expenses. Currently, home school families are only eligible
for this tax credit in states where they are defined as “private”
schools; H.R. 1850 would make this definition apply to all fifty states.
“Home school students have increasingly become recognized for their
academic achievement and high performance levels,” said Congressman
Cole. “As valuable contributors to our nation’s academic future and with
more than 1.5 million students nationwide, it makes sense that home
school families should also receive this tax credit.
to educate children at home is not an easy or inexpensive decision for
parents. It requires hours of time teaching and planning, commitment by
at least one parent to stay at home and thousands of dollars spent for
educational supplies each year. For families in many communities, home
schooling is also the only alternative to failing public schools. In
order for families to continue providing quality education at home, it
is essential that they have the best resources for that success.
“Home school families are directly training up the next generation of leaders. We should support their continued success.”
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