"Some pastors in Oklahoma are insisting that Christian faithfulness requires us to oppose school choice policies," Greg Forster points out in a new article.
"How do they justify identifying Christian faithfulness with defending a school monopoly that destroys children’s lives in order to line the pockets of special interests?" Dr. Forster asks. "How do some churches go so terribly wrong that they identify the oppressors as the oppressed, and thus defend in God’s name a system of power that oppresses the poor?"
To find out, read the whole thing here. There are roughly 126 of these pastors in Oklahoma, including the following.
Rev. Lori Walke is the senior pastor of Mayflower Congregational Church in Oklahoma City. She has presided over the same-sex “marriage” ceremonies of more than 100 couples. |
Rev. Clark Frailey, recipient of last year's OEA Friend of Education Award, is the lead pastor of Coffee Creek Church in Edmond. He recently praised the work of atheists, feminists, LGBTQ activists, and others trying to make sure more children don’t attend Christian schools. |
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