Friday, October 29, 2010

School districts 'break the law and harm families'

Good column this morning in The Oklahoman by state Rep. David Derby (R-Owasso) criticizing the rogue school districts in Green Country.
If there's a legitimate problem with HB 3933, schools should voice their specific concerns when the Legislature reconvenes. In the meantime, schools should comply with the law on the books, just as the rest of us continue to obey the law and pay taxes that support schools even if we think tax rates are too high or superintendents are overpaid. In the future, there will be opportunities to amend the law and these districts will have a chance to take part in the process.

There are better ways for schools to voice concern about a statute than break the law and harm families who already face enormous struggle and burdens.

After all, Rep. Derby asks, "Why would anyone be against helping a student with special needs receive a great education?"

Oh, I remember. It's because the bureaucrats just don't get it.

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